Work First New Jersey
Donate NowWork First New Jersey (WFNJ) arranges child care and provides options counseling to TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) participants. This program assists in finding and paying for quality child care. Clients must obtain a referral from the Board of Social Services. Our case managers are trained to counsel each participant about their child care options and conduct vacancy checks at various licensed centers and registered family day care homes. A participant may also choose an Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) as a provider.
- TANF Clients
- Clients who receive a Welfare grant
- Clients who receive partial grants
- Employed TANF clients
Transitional Childcare Subsidy (TCC)
An additional two (2) years of childcare subsidy is available for those who are employed.
Changes of Care
The change of care form may be mailed, hand delivered, or faxed to WFNJ child care case managers.
Email: wpadilla@ulohc.org or vpierantoni@ulohc.org
Fax number:
253 Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City (201) 433-4665
Download the Change of Care Form.
FOR MORE INFORMATION:Contact Wilmarie Padilla, Supervisor at wpadilla@ulohc.org / (201) 451-8888 x 141 or Virginia Pierantoni, Assistant Sup. at vpierantoni@ulohc.org / (201) 451-8888 x 169 |