Mentors Program
Donate NowThe Urban League of Hudson County invites you to become a Mentor.
What is Mentoring?
Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support, and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and character of the mentee.
Mentoring does take commitment, but not a lot of time.
It is the quality of the relationship you establish with a youngster that counts most. Mentoring for about four hours a month is enough time to:
- Encourage a child
- Be available for a phone call or two
- Listen to challenges, ideas or even jokes
- Help with problems at school
- Share strategies for achieving academic success
- Have lunch or a snack
- Introduce your mentee to other positive young people
How does it work?
Youth and volunteers are paired in same gender matches for at least six months.
The Urban League of Hudson County utilizes the traditional mentoring approach – One adult to one young person.
We know that mentoring works
Research tells us that mentored youth have better attendance; a better chance of going on to higher education; and better attitudes towards school.
Mentors are supported by the staff of the Urban League throughout their mentoring relationship.
We Encourage You to Become a Mentor!
Support, guide, nurture, teach and challenge a child to excel!
MORE INFORMATION:Apply now to be a mentor! |