Yvonne Garlin
26 Years of Service
Resource & Referral Coordinator
Ms. Yvonne Garlin began her journey with the Urban League of Hudson County, Inc. in 1996 as a Childcare Representative for the New Jersey Cares for Kids Program. Soon thereafter, she would receive a promotion to be a Representative in the Childcare Resources & Referral, where she assisted families to obtain quality childcare services and supports parental choice. The next rung on her ladder to upward mobility was a promotion to the Assistant Supervisor of the Quality Assurance & Policy Department of the New Jersey Cares for Kids Program. In 2015, Ms. Garlin returned to Resources & Referral, this time, however, as the Coordinator and Supervisor, where she remains to this day.
Ms. Garlin received her bachelor’s degree in Urban Studies from Saint Peter’s University in 2009 and followed it with a master’s degree in Public Policy from Rutgers University in 2014. Ms. Garlin is grateful that her time at ULOHC allowed her to experience how many different departments work together to ensure clients receive the highest level of attention and care for their needs.