WIlmarie Padilla
27 Years of Service
Quality Assurance & Policy Supervisor
Ms. Wilmarie Padilla started working for the Urban League of Hudson County in 1995 as a Childcare Counselor after graduating from Rutgers University. Shortly thereafter she was promoted to Supervise of the Work First New Jersey. (WFNJ) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Departments. In 2007, she was transferred to Supervisor of the Child Care Resource and Referral Department after the agency received official designation from the National Association of Childcare Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA). In 2008. Ms. Padilla took on the role of Supervisor of the Electronic Childcare (ECC) Payment Department where she remained for 3 years before moving to Grow NJ Kids, the State of New Jersey’s Quality Rating system for Childcare Centers. About this position, Ms. Padilla stated “Grow NJ Kids has “granted me the opportunity to see the positive impact that a quality early childhood education can make in the life of a child”.
Currently, Ms. Padilla holds the position of Supervisor of Quality Assurance & Policy. Although this position is more behind the scenes, compared to the many other positions Ms. Padilla has held during her 27 years at the agency, she considers her current duties to be equally as important as it ultimately ensures that the childcare needs of families in Hudson County are well served. We at the Urban League of Hudson County can say the same thing about Ms. Padilla. We have been well served by her 27 years of dedicated service. Ms. Padilla credits her 19-year-old daughter and 22-year-old daughter with inspiring her to continue to make our communities better for all of our children.